Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted for us book blogger types bythe Broke and the Bookish.  They provide a topic, and all of us participants post our answers on our blogs and we hop around checking out one another’s answers! This week’s topic is: 

Top Ten Books When You Need Something Light and Fun

1. Chelsea Handler: Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang, Bang; Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea; My Horizontal Life —If you haven’t read these books, then you really need to pick up a copy of each.  They really make me laugh and always put me in a great mood! 

2. Secret Diary of a Call Girl:  Most definitely not suited for anyone under the age of 18, but that is up to you.  Not only was this made into a sassy and hilarious television show, but the book is very enjoyable.  

3. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: I think this one is self-explanatory 🙂

4. Sookie Stackhouse Novels: Why? Well, why not?  Again, these are books that include some adult themes, but they really hit the spot when you need to read a book that doesn’t require a whole lot of thought.  Although I will say that there is a significant amount of confusion that can come out of it if you aren’t paying attention to the details. 

5. Jessica Darling Novels by Megan McCafferty: These are some of my favorite books to turn to when I’m having trouble dealing with depressing dystopians or outrageous paranormals.  In fact, these books are always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

6. Annotated Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar: Again, I feel like this is self explanatory.  Nothing suits for some light reading like the stories you grew up with. 

7. Dr. Suess books: Again, is it wrong to turn to childhood favorites? 

8. The Princess Bride by William Goldman: This book is incredibly entertaining and hilarious. 

9. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams: So long and thanks for all the fish….

10. Sarah Dessen’s The Truth About Forever: This novel is full of emotional stuff, but for some reason it is one of my go-tos to put me in a better mood.  I think its because I know what to expect out of it, but I think the other part is just because I really love the story. 

What are some of your lighthearted reads?