Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted for us book blogger types bythe Broke and the Bookish.  They provide a topic, and all of us participants post our answers on our blogs and we hop around checking out one another’s answers! This week’s topic is: 

Top Ten Books When You Need Something Light and Fun

1. Chelsea Handler: Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang, Bang; Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea; My Horizontal Life —If you haven’t read these books, then you really need to pick up a copy of each.  They really make me laugh and always put me in a great mood! 

2. Secret Diary of a Call Girl:  Most definitely not suited for anyone under the age of 18, but that is up to you.  Not only was this made into a sassy and hilarious television show, but the book is very enjoyable.  

3. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: I think this one is self-explanatory 🙂

4. Sookie Stackhouse Novels: Why? Well, why not?  Again, these are books that include some adult themes, but they really hit the spot when you need to read a book that doesn’t require a whole lot of thought.  Although I will say that there is a significant amount of confusion that can come out of it if you aren’t paying attention to the details. 

5. Jessica Darling Novels by Megan McCafferty: These are some of my favorite books to turn to when I’m having trouble dealing with depressing dystopians or outrageous paranormals.  In fact, these books are always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

6. Annotated Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar: Again, I feel like this is self explanatory.  Nothing suits for some light reading like the stories you grew up with. 

7. Dr. Suess books: Again, is it wrong to turn to childhood favorites? 

8. The Princess Bride by William Goldman: This book is incredibly entertaining and hilarious. 

9. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams: So long and thanks for all the fish….

10. Sarah Dessen’s The Truth About Forever: This novel is full of emotional stuff, but for some reason it is one of my go-tos to put me in a better mood.  I think its because I know what to expect out of it, but I think the other part is just because I really love the story. 

What are some of your lighthearted reads? 

Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week the Broke and Bookish hosts a literary meme for book bloggers to share their responses to the weekly topic! This week was a Freebie topic, so I chose to go back to one that I wish I had been able to participate in:
Top Ten Fictional Characters I’d Like to be BFFs With

1. Alice from Alice in Wonderland

Alice is a character that I’ve wanted to be friends with since I was a child.  She is curious, just like I was, and I can only imagine the amount of trouble we would have gotten into!

2. Mac from the Fever Series
Mac loves to read, she kicks some serious ass, and she gets to hang around with a plethora of sexy men. No doubt being her bestie would come with a lot of danger, but it would be a blast!
3. Tessa from the Infernal Devices trilogy

  Again, we could discuss books and maybe she would let me have Jem or Will.
4. Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone
She has wishes, not unlimited, but she also has a pure heart and a kickass heritage.  Maybe she would let me hang out with her, or give me a really pretty hair color as well.  Plus, she seems extremely loyal, what better quality to have in a friend?

5. Helen from the Starcrossed Trilogy
Based on myths, she has an epic love story, and I’m fairly sure that I’d just want to witness some of the crazy stuff that seems to happen in these novels.
6. Finley Jayne from the Steampunk Chronicles
Weird abilities, quirky clothes, and two fine gentleman callers….
7. Sookie Stackhouse from the Sookie Stackhouse novels
I really just want her to be my best friend so I can hang around with Vampire Eric. Oh, and to check out Vampire Bill too.
8. Remy from This Lullaby
Not only is this my favorite Sarah Dessen novel, but Remy seems like she would really be able to help me keep my feet on the ground.
9. Tris from the Divergent trilogy
Is it weird that I just really want to get tattoos with her?
10. Jessica Darling from the Jessica Darling series
She is a normal girl who was just trying to figure out who was going to be her soulmate.  Something that I always needed was someone to help me await that whole soulmate thing.
Who would you want to be best friends with?

Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and the Bookish host a meme called Top Ten Tuesday.  Each week the participating blogs are provided with a topic to share with each other and their readers.  This week’s topic is: 

Top Ten Book Romances That You Think Would Make It In 

The Real World (outside the book)

In no particular order…and only with pictures that I found fitting. 🙂 

1. Tris and Four (Tobias) from Divergent by Veronica Roth

2. Barrons and Mac from the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning

3. Tessa and Will from the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare

4. Katsa and Po from the Three Kingdoms Trilogy by Kristin Cashore

5. Finnikin and Evanjalin (Isaboe) from the Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta

6. Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins 

7. Treygan and Yara in Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper 

8. Lucas and Helen in the Starcrossed Trilogy by Josephine Angelini

9. Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie from the Jessica Darling series by Megan McGafferty

10. Sookie Stackhouse and Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris

What are some of the romances YOU believe in? 

Top Ten Tuesdays

Every week The Broke and The Bookish hosts a meme that brings book bloggers together called Top Ten Tuesday, and there is always a new topic!  This week’s topic is:

                      Top Ten Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With for 24 Hours

1. Tessa Gray from the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare
Will, Jem, and Victorian fashion? I’m there.

2. MacKayla Lane from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning
I can’t find a great picture of her, but to be able to hang around Barrons and live in a bookstore? YES.

3. Tris from the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth
Tattoos, daredevil acts, Four…

4. Alice from Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Do I really have to explain this? 

5. Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Liani TaylorPermanent blue hair, hot angel to sleep with, access to a beautiful alternate world…

6. Maryah Woodsen from the Kindrily Series by Karen Amanda Hooper
Memories of lives and loves past, awesome powers…

7. Tally Youngblood from the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld
Good looking men, a nonstop party, and the ability to look however I want…for 24 hours .

8. Finley Jane from the Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross
Victorian England, strange powers, and hunky gentleman.

9. Sookie Stackhouse from the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris
Mostly just for Vampire Eric.

10. Jessica Darling from the Jessica Darling books by Megan McCafferty
Marcus , Awesome Job…