Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted for us book blogger types bythe Broke and the Bookish. They provide a topic, and all of us participants post our answers on our blogs and we hop around checking out one another’s answers! This week’s topic is: 

                               Top Ten Books I Thought I’d Like More/Less Than I Did. 

1. Harry Potter – Less
If you had told me at age 11 when I started reading the first Harry Potter book that it would become such a huge part of my life I would not have believed you. Now after 12 years and countless readings of the 7 novels it has become my “happy place” as Jessica would say. If I’m stressed or overwhelmed I know I can pick up any one of the books and be instantly transported into the Wizarding World. PS: I also have a Harry Potter tattoo 🙂

2. Count of Monte CristoLess 
This was assigned summer reading before my Sophomore year in High School, and like all summer reading I thought it was going to be awful. However I was pleasantly surprised, after the first 100 pages or so (after he got out of prison) and I ended up loving this book.

3. East of EdenLess 
Another summer reading assignment that I was skeptical of. Once again I found that I loved the story and it has been one of my favorites for years.

4. Casual VacancyMore
I bought this without being too sure what to expect, but it’s written by JK Rowling so I was on board. I definitely wasn’t expecting more Harry Potter, but it’s a much further departure than what I ever thought it would be. Honestly for me it was difficult to get through, the middle was just so frustrating and I was sick of the super nosy characters and all the BS from the awful ones. (to put it frankly)

5. Sex & The CityMore
I’ve said this in a previous post, but I was expecting much more out of this book than what I got. After reading it I really didn’t like the character of Carrie Bradshaw, she was definitely not portrayed as the prophetic writer we had all come to love in the HBO series.

6. Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersMore
After reading The Fellowship of the Ring I was eager to start Two Towers, and I knew what to expect from watching the movies, but Tolkien’s writing style really got me down. I’m sorry to admit it but I couldn’t finish it. It’s on my list to finish in the future but the writing was so dense I couldn’t stay engaged, much less awake.

7. The Hunger GamesLess
Another one that I picked up and wasn’t sure what to expect. I had heard so much about how much others people loved the series so I decided to give it a try. Halfway through the first book I was hooked. I read all three in 2 days, pausing only to go buy the sequels.

8. The Devil Wears Prada More
Thought I was going to love this so much, but I couldn’t take all the whining from the main character. This is one of the few exceptions to the “Book is always better than the Movie” rule in my opinion. The ending is just depressing, and the movie changed it to be happier and I was quite grateful they did.

9. Study in Scarlet – Less
This one is a cheat because I’m not finished with it yet. I was skeptical of the writing, thinking it might be too dense for my liking due to the time period, but I have been pleasantly surprised. I’m hooked and I can’t wait to read the complete stories of Sherlock Holmes.

10. The Passion of ArtemisiaLess
This was an assigned book for my AP European History class and I still highly recommend it. I loved the story. While historical fiction it tells a great tale of a young woman in 17th century Italy during her rape trial at age 18 and her later struggles to develop her own career as a painter.