Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and the Bookish hosts a literary meme for book bloggers to share their responses to the weekly topic! This week’s topic is a Top Ten Tuesday rewind, so we can choose any topic from the past that we may have missed or would like to do again!  So I chose…

Top Ten Childhood Favorites
1. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
-This one should be fairly obvious since I’ve made my complete love for Alice and her adventures known 100 times over.
2. Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
-Read this book OVER and OVER when I was younger.  The movie version definitely didn’t live up to the book for me, and I still have a worn copy on my bookshelf. It never ceases to make me question the idea of immortality.
 3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr.
-This is one of the books I remember the most from my early childhood when I first learned to read. (I was reading by the time I was 4)…and I actually still have part of it memorized.
4. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
-My first experience with Holocaust literature is still sitting on my shelf.  I loved the book so much that my 5th grade teacher gave me her signed copy 🙂
5. Dear Mr. Henshaw by Judy Bloom
-For those of us who wanted to be authors when we grew up (and still haven’t given up on that dream) Bloom’s book was awesome…and it gave all of us the best advice.
6. The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
-Such a fun book, and it has been FOREVER since I read it!  I wish I still had a copy so I could re-read it now and enjoy it all over again.
7. A Endless Ring of Light by Madeline L’Engle
-Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the only reason I picked up a copy of this book when I was younger was because of the dolphin on the cover. I ended up falling in love with the story and lending my copy to my best friend. She promptly lost it and I haven’t seen it since. Oh, and Mischa Barton was in the movie version? Nice.
8. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
-Adored this book when I was younger and used to play in my backyard pretending that I had my own secret garden that the ninja turtles hung out in. The outside does rejuvenate life.
9. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
-I was obsessed with Dolphins when I was younger, and I couldn’t help but check this book out from the library because of the title.  I remember loving it and telling all my friends that they should read it, and not just because it had a decent amount of Accelerated Reader points!
10. The Foot Book by Dr. Suess
-The other book I remember in detail from my early childhood, and I still have it memorized. My mother said I had it memorized for so long that I would flip the pages while I was “reading” it when it wasn’t the right time. Left foot, Left foot, Left foot, Right….
What are some of your childhood favorites?