Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and the Bookish hosts a literary meme for all of us fabulous book bloggers to participate in called Top Ten Tuesday.  They provide everyone with a topic, and we post our answers for everyone to see.  Then we hop from blog to blog!  This week’s topic is:

Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing
I’m going to assume that I can only choose books that are already released or will be released prior to Christmas Day:

1. The Annotated Brothers Grimm
-More things for me to learn!

2. Fever Moon by Karen Marie Moning
-My favorite characters of Mac and Barrons in a graphic novel? Yes, please.
3. Undeadly by Michele Vail
-Just know that the synopsis makes it sound pretty awesome
4. The Ivy by Lauren Kunze
-I’ve been putting off reading this supposedly addictive series for a while now…time to bite the bullet!
5. Lullaby by Amanda Hocking
-Preferably a signed copy (C’mon Santa, you can do it!)
6. Quarantine by Lex Thomas
-Again, the synopsis plus the cover has me intrigued.
7. Venom by Fiona Paul

-I had an ARC of this book…but it disappeared before I could read it! Where did it go, Santa?
8. Breathe by Sarah Crossan

-I want to read this ASAP.  It would make for a good chapter in my thesis!
9. Renegade by J.A. Souders
-I’ve read some pretty good reviews of this novel, so I’m practically salivating
10. The Dark Unwinding by Sharon Cameron
-Steampunk. Need I say More?

Waiting on Wednesday

Every week Breaking the Spine hosts a book meme where all of us book bloggers can get together and share the books we are desperately waiting to be released!

This week I’m waiting on Breathe by Sarah Crossan!

Release Date: October 2, 2012

Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe . . .

The world is dead.
The survivors live under the protection of Breathe, the corporation that found a way to manufacture oxygen-rich air.

has been stealing for a long time. She’s a little jittery, but not terrified. All she knows is that she’s never been caught before. If she’s careful, it’ll be easy. If she’s careful.

should be worried about Alina and a bit afraid for himself, too, but even though this is dangerous, it’s also the most interesting thing to happen to him in ages. It isn’t every day that the girl of your dreams asks you to rescue her.

wants to tell him that none of this is fair; they’d planned a trip together, the two of them, and she’d hoped he’d discover her out here, not another girl.

And as they walk into the Outlands with two days’ worth of oxygen in their tanks, everything they believe will be shattered. Will they be able to make it back? Will they want to?