Book Review: Prophecy by Ellen Oh

The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms… is a girl with yellow eyes. 

Kira’s the only female in the king’s army, and the prince’s bodyguard. She’s a demon slayer and an outcast, hated by nearly everyone in her home city of Hansong. And, she’s their only hope… 

Murdered kings and discovered traitors point to a demon invasion, sending Kira on the run with the young prince. He may be the savior predicted in the Dragon King Prophecy, but the missing treasure of myth may be the true key. With only the guidance of the cryptic prophecy, Kira must battle demon soldiers, evil shaman, and the Demon Lord himself to find what was once lost and raise a prince into a king.

I need to start reading the synopsis of the book before I start reading the actual book. That might have helped some of my initial confusion of the setting of this book. I was unprepared for the book to focus on Asian culture. I didn’t hate it, in fact, I thought it was a nice change of pace from the Americanized and British books that I had been reading. I liked that I got a look into a culture and lifestyle that I am unfamiliar with. 

I thought the book was good. The story made sense and it flowed nicely. I thought Oh created a nice balance of action, mystery and just a hint of romance that left me intrigued to learn more. I liked that the main character had to struggle to find her place in the world and the book itself promoted the idea of accepting yourself as you are (warts and all). However, the book was not all about self-discovery, which I liked, because there are few things more annoying to me than for an author to repeatedly convey a certain theme into a book. 

Prophecy mixes the right amount of action, mystery, culture, romance and self-discovery into a well told (and researched) novel. It was an easy read and I would recommend it as a good beach read. The topic is not too heavy that it will make you depressed as you are reading it, nor to upbeat that your cheeks hurt from reading it. 

4 Bards.

This review submitted to A Midsummer Night’s Read by Missy.