Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and The Bookish hosts a meme for book bloggers to reflect on and share with one another!  This week’s topic is: 

Top Ten Series I Haven’t Finished

1. The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
I read the first one when I was in sixth grade, and then was promptly distracted by other things.  I swear I’m going to finish them, I SWEAR.

2.  The Matched Trilogy by Alli Condie 
I gave up in the middle of the second book, and I most likely will never finish them.  Why? Well, the first book had my attention, and the second one lost it very quickly. You shouldn’t give up because of me, keep reading! 

3. Paranormalcy trilogy by Kiersten White
This trilogy I haven’t finished based on lack of time, I own all three books and WANT to read them, but I keep getting other books and I end up reading those instead. 

4. Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris
These books have just gotten to the point where they are a bit repetitive and they feel somewhat like filler rather than substance.  I will eventually read them just because I adore Sookie and Eric, but for now it is unfinished. 

5. Kay Scarpetta novels by Patricia Cornwell
I kind of grew out of this series, and moved on to my specialty with my English degree…which was Children’s and YA Lit. Probably won’t ever finish them, but some of those novels were extremely good. 

6. Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich
Much like the Sookie Stackhouse novels, these books started off so strong and then became repetitive and full of filler.  Plus, I moved on to other series and other characters.

7. The Baby-sitter’s Club by Ann M. Martin
I eventually grew out of these books, but I’d love to know what happened to all of the girls…anyone want to fill me in? 

8. Siren series by Tricia Rayburn
I just didn’t take to these books, and I actually had the first two, but only read the first then donated them both to the local library. 

9. Flappers series by Jillian Larkin
I will eventually finish these because I adored the first installment…I just haven’t gotten around to buying the next installment or reading it!

10. Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr
I got through the third book in this five book series, and then grew tired of the POV switches and the constant drama.  However, I adore Marr’s writing and went on to LOVE her book, Graveminder.  Plus, I already have a copy of Carnival of Souls

What series’ have you not finished? Maybe we can exchange stories!