Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Words/Topics That Will Make You Not Pick Up A Book

If you like any of these authors/topics/genres, please take my opinion with a grain of salt.  I am not bashing said authors/topics/genres, just pointing out that these are things that will make me put the book back on the shelf. (There are exceptions.)

1. Cheesy Mysteries
I love a good mystery story: one that thrills me and tricks me around every turn.  I do not,, however, like really super cheesy mysteries with weird nicknames and random titles that go along with the number of books in a series.  For example, any of the Stephanie Plum novels.  (This is also one of the exceptions, if I hadn’t been forced to read the first one, I would have never read it or picked up a copy) 

2. Nicholas Sparks
I’ve had a few friends who have met him…and they haven’t said anything particularly flattering about him as a person.  Plus, I really don’t like to go into a book knowing that it is going to make me cry or depressed.  I’m in it for the ride, but every Sparks book I’ve ever read follows the same trope: Sad. Sad. Sad.

3. Terminal Cancer
I’ve had two family members pass away from terminal cancer and my mother is a survivor of cancer.  So any book that revolves around the main character having a slim possibility to live through Cancer really brings up a lot of bad emotions for me, so I tend to avoid them.  However, I will read the occasional exception: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. 

4. Snooki
I feel like this is somewhat self explanatory.  

5. Current Politics/Politicians
I am a huge history buff.  I tend to not really care for current topics or politics unless they are involved in my decision for voting.  I just really would rather stick to my history books. 

6. Horror
I’m a huge scaredy cat. There. I said it.  There are definitely some exceptions, especially Anna Dressed in Blood, I ended up adoring that book.  But most Horror like The Shining?  Yeah, I’ll avoid it like the plague.  Unless, that is, someone plans to stay up with me all night?

7. Shakespeare Conspiracy
I do not like reading about the possibilities of Shakespeare really being a patsy for Christopher Marlowe and for the random Dukes or Lords that some claim he really was.  I am a strict Shakespearian.  I firmly believe that William Shakespeare wrote his plays. I’ve been given many different books to read that are supposed to argue about Shakespeare’s true identity, but they all end up sitting on my shelf gathering dust.

8. Alex Flinn
After I disliked Beastly so much, I avoid any of her books.  I don’t particularly want to immerse myself in the world that I already don’t like. This, again, is personal preference, if you are a fan of hers, then go for it! I support all authors…I just don’t care to read any more of Flinn’s novels myself.

9. Most Middle Grade
I tend to really love early readers and children’s novels, but for some reason some Middle Grade books are written a little too young for me.  I think part of it is that I actually skipped reading Middle Grade when I was actually at the age to read middle grade. I went right from what I call early readers to what was Young Adult at the time. However, I’ve been more open to it now and am excited to say that I am enjoying the genre much more now. 

10. Any fashion books
Aren’t they out of date by the time they make it to printing? 

What are some books/topics/authors that you avoid?