Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted for us book blogger types by the Broke and the Bookish. They provide a topic, and all of us participants post our answers on our blogs and we hop around checking out one another’s answers! This week’s topic is

Top Ten Things I’m Thankful For (bookish)

1. Netgalley
Thank you for always being a great place to easily request novels, and for being so easy for me to deal with! 

2. Publicists
Thank you all for being so friendly and helpful during our constant pursuit to bring reviews to potential readers and to connect authors to them as well. 

3. Readers
Thank YOU for being the heartbeat behind the world that is book blogging.  Without you wanting recommendations for good books and authors, we would be nothing! 

4. Authors
Thank you for providing us with books we love, dislike, throw across a room, and sleep with under our pillows. Every read is important regardless of review outcome.

5. Kindle
I just really love my kindle for making it easier and cheaper for me to buy certain books since my library has almost run out of space!

6. Twitter
Such a great way to connect with readers, authors, publishing houses, and publicists!

7. Fellow Bloggers
I met a lot of you at Book Expo America this past year, and am fortunate to be attending this year with some I met.  You make the business of blogging so much fun and informative.

8. Goodreads
I just really love going through your lists of upcoming releases so I can know which books I definitely want to track down, and which ones I can add to my evergrowing Waiting on Wednesday posts! 

9. Missy
My co-blogger, who has been a great help this past year since she started helping me.  She was responsible for keeping the blog up when I had elbow surgery and was unable to type for a few weeks. 

10. Publishing Houses
Thank you for giving us the gift of books constantly throughout each year.  I honestly don’t know what I would do without being able to pick up a novel and escape for a while. 

What bookish things are you thankful for this year?