Welcome to A Midsummer Night’s Read!

Hello, and welcome to A Midsummer Night’s Read!

My name is Jessica Lee and I am the main moderator here, and my co-moderator, Shauna, will drop in and introduce herself sometime soon. A little about me: I’ve been reading since I can remember, and I’ve never stopped. In fact, my intense love of reading and literature led me to getting my Bachelor’s degree in English Literature. Currently, I am in my last semester in graduate school where I am working on my Master’s degree in English Literature. So there you have it. I am a reading fiend. I never want my love affair with words to end.

So, I decided that after a year of writing reviews on Goodreads, that it was time to start my own review blog. I just want to share reviews on the best young adult literature for those who love to read it. (ME!)

A few things that you need to know: Instead of awarding “stars” for a novel’s worth, we will be using “Bards.” Needless to say, Shauna and myself love Shakespeare (hence the blog title) and think that there is no greater honor than being bestowed the approval of William Shakespeare. So at the bottom of every post, one through five Bards will be awarded based on our review. They will look like this:

Another thing: Since we are just starting out, bear with us through the growing pains that we are sure to endure while working out everything. Remember that we are trying to give you the most accurate opinions that we can.

The first two reviews will be posted later tonight, and I hope you enjoy them!