In Which Jessica Finally Reads…

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Okay, okay, okay..  So FINALLY I reached a Harry Potter book that I had never tried to read and a book that I’m almost 100% sure that I never saw the movie for (or if I did, I definitely don’t remember!) 

I can go ahead and preempt the rest of this review by going ahead and stating that I enjoyed this book significantly more than the first two installments.  

Now, I think that with Harry turning 13, the standard age of being an “official” teenager, that Rowling’s plotting and writing style became much more complex.  I particularly enjoyed the quick mentions of Hermione disappearing so quickly, only to find out that the device she was using would be their savior at the end of the book. 

I was surprised when I reached Cedric Diggory’s name in this novel, because having only seen the movies, I thought that he was just a one book/movie character. 

Other things that I was impressed with in this novel included the emotions that came into play with the hippogriff, as well as when Harry was confronted with the Dementors.  Which, I had no idea (don’t throw things at me) that they originated in Azkaban.  I just always assumed they were big creepy things. Whoops. 

Something I didn’t like/understand: At the end of the novel when Snape was questioning Harry about the escape of Sirius Black, that he didn’t think to ask or accuse Hermione of using the time-turner.  Especially since Rowling made it abundantly clear that McGonagall had informed the ministry and the other teachers about her using it.  Plot hole?  Guess I’ll find out as I keep reading!

4 Bards.