In Which Jessica Finally Reads….

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Haven’t read any of my other “In Which Jessica Finally Reads” posts?  Check them out: Sorcerer’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban

This is by far the movie that I have seen the most, and the book I was most dreading because of it.  Which is really the opposite of the norm, but oh well.  

I was extremely pleased with the scarce presence of the Dursley’s, and I really enjoyed all of the shenanigans at the World Cup of Quidditch, Although I will say that it is probably the part of the book I remember the least from the movie, so I can’t even begin to know how the movie dealt with it. 

I do remember that Dobby and Winky were NOT in the movie—so it was Neville that gave him the gillyweed, right—, and I cannot for the life of me remember who was supposedly saving Mr. Crouch’s seat at the World Cup or was substituting for him at the Tri-Wizard Tournament since I do not remember Percy being in the movie at all (I guess it is time for a re-watch).

Either way, I really thought that Rowling’s character development was superb considering how many new characters were introduced in this installment.  I particularly enjoyed the information regarding the Giant wars and the inclusion of Hagrid’s past, because I just never realized he was part Giant!  It seems like it is something obvious that I should have realized, but whoops!

Overall, I enjoyed the book as much as I wanted to considering how much I loved the movie, and I really thought the final scene with Voldemort in the graveyard was definitely better in the book, because I think it really helped capture the fear inside Harry and the boastful nature of Voldemort. 

4.5 Bards.