Feature and Follow Friday

Every week Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme to help bring together book bloggers, and feature a different blogger!  Each featured blogger submits a question for all of the participating blogs to answer, and this week’s question is:
Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?

Well, this is a super tough question and it took me about an hour to even think of an answer that would be good–but here it goes! I would like to see MacKayla Lane from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning battle it out with Tally Youngblood  from the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld (after her Specials surgery).  It would be an epic battle that is for sure.

Who do you want to see battle it out?!

Feature and Follow Friday!

Every week Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme to help bring together book bloggers, and feature a different blogger!  Each featured blogger submits a question for all of the participating blogs to answer, and this week’s question is:

Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?
Answer:  YES!  Before Leigh Fallon’s novel, Carrier of the Mark, came out, negative reviews had been popping up on Goodreads.  Reviewers were comparing the story to Twilight and what not, claiming that Fallon’s novel wasn’t original and was poorly written.  Eventually, I ended up recieving an ARC from Fallon after I had already purchased a copy of the book.  Anyway, instead of reading the novel through the lens of comparison, I reviewed the novel and praised its attributes because I enjoyed it!  (Review HERE).
What book did you buy because of a bad review?
WAIT! While you are here… enter my 100 Follower Giveaway!

Feature and Follow Friday!

Each week, the wonderful and beautiful Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme for book bloggers to help us connect with one another and accrue followers! Both host blogs feature a book blog and has a question for all of us to answer.

This week, the question is:

What is the longest book you’ve read? What are some of your favorite 600+ page reads?

I honestly don’t think I’ve ready many books that are 600+ pages, and if I have then I am drawing a complete blank. I have read Duma Key by Stephen King, but it clocks in at just 609 pages. I have read a complete works of Langston Hughes which is well over 600+ pages, but it is a collection and not just one novel. Sadly, I have not read the final Harry Potter books, which are above 600 pages as well.

I feel like I need to expand my heavy reads…what are some of your favorite 600+ reads that you can recommend?

Follow Friday!

Each week, the wonderful and beautiful Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme for book bloggers to help us connect with one another and accrue followers! Both host blogs feature a book blog and has a question for all of us to answer.

This week, the question is:

Q: Have you ever looked at book’s cover and thought, This is going to horrible? But, was instead pleasantly surprised? Show us the cover and tell us about the book.

Stolen, by Lucy Christopher, won the YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults in 2011, and is an extremely powerful story told in 2nd person (which is exceedingly rare in YA Fiction…no, Fiction in general). To be honest, the cover really was completely bland compared to the narrative.  If you have read Stolen, you know that there are so many beautiful and heartwrenching scenes that could have been used on the cover.  I’m also a sucker for beautiful photography on covers, so I think that it would have really captured my eye had there been more effort into the cover.

What book took you by surprise despite its boring or bland cover?

Follow Friday!

Each week, the wonderful and beautiful Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme for book bloggers to help us connect with one another and accrue followers! Both host blogs feature a book blog and has a question for all of us to answer.

Q: What book would you love to see made into a movie or television show and do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters?

I really want Moira Young’s Blood Red Road to be adapted into a movie.  (You can check out my review of Blood Red Road HERE) I think that with the rising popularity of other dystopian novels that Blood Red Road would be a great bet for most studios to work on. Now, for the actors/actresses to possibly bring to life some of my favorite characters…that is a very difficult question.  The only one I can concievably cast from the picture in my mind is Jack, and I picture him similar to Mark Salling from Glee. Salling has the dark skin tone that would accompany a person living in the hot desert air, and he has the body build to match Jack’s description.  Obviously he would have to get rid of that ridiculous mohawk. Saba is infinitely hard for me to dreamcast, and I think I’d prefer an unknown in her role. 

What book do you want turned into a movie/TV Show?

While you are here…enter to win an Advanced Reader Copy of Saundra Mitchell’s The Springsweet!

Follow Friday!

Every Friday, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a weekly meme to help promote the book blogging world!  (I have been lax and forgot to join up last week! Sorry!)  There is a weekly question posted by the featured blog, and this week the question is more of a requirement:

There is this super comfy pink basket chair in my house that I love to curl up in and read…but sometimes I have to fight my cat for a chance to sit there!

Be sure to leave me a comment if you follow. I always follow back! 

Don’t forget to read my latest review: ARC review of Chosen Ones by Tiffany Truitt

Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are also listed on the Social Media Hop at Parajunkee, so  check us out there too!