Page to Screen Review: City of Bones

Well, I’m not sure where to begin this review other than to make a point to let readers know that I adore Cassandra Clare’s novels and I will always be a supporter of Clary’s story, Tessa’s story, and the upcoming Dark Artifices novels.  

With that being said, I’m going to give my completely honest in my opinion and review of this movie. Now, let it be noted that I went to the movie with one of my best friends, who also has read the novels, and our two guy friends–who had no idea what the movie was about.

I had such high expectations going into this movie, because I thought the casting was brilliant and the previews released really made the story look great and as I pictured it for the most part.  Things quickly went downhill after the movie began. 

The pacing was ridiculously quick, and there was such a lack of description of what was happening that ANYONE who hasn’t read the books or even skimmed the books would have no idea what was happening.  There isn’t a super clear description of the shadowhunters, Valentine’s history with Jocelyn and the Clave is glossed over, Luke’s rejection from the Clave and other Shadowhunters is only briefly touched on through the insults that Valentine’s lackey’s sling, and there was NO real explanation for what Simon was going through after the Hotel Dumort.  

*SPOILER ALERT*  All the audience sees is that he was obviously bitten (by the two fang marks on him) but the only consequence of this seems to be that he doesn’t need his glasses anymore. And that is the last we hear of that until City of Ashes.

Also, did anyone else miss the stolen vampire flying motorcycle? That miraculously appeared at the end of the movie as in the novel? 

Another thing that was pointed out to my friend and I by our two guys that went with us, was how terrible it was that the explanation for the application of runes was very glossed over. The boys kept asking how “magic markering” their arms would give these people superpowers.  It really showed my friend and I how poorly explained parts of the film were for those just interested in the movie as a whole, and not a previous fan of the novels. 

However, I’m not going to go through all of the things that were left out, because we all know that movies will never be able to include everything that we love from the books. 

The writing is something I would like to touch on.  While I think that Clare’s writing really is great for allowing her books to be read by both teens and adults, the script for the movie was just very, very young. Which is great if I was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old going to see the movie.  Believe me, the boys we took with us were immediately turned off by the exceedingly cheesy lines. I just challenge the screenwriters to work hard to allow the characters to act older and more mature in lieu of their experiences.  

Please remember that I am not bashing the books. I love and cherish my first editions of all of these novels, and am super excited for the final novel, City of Heavenly Fire.  And by all means, I will continue to support the franchise by seeing the next movie and likely purchasing a copy of this film.  I just know that next time I won’t go in with such high expectations, so hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised. 

2 Bards. 

Top Ten Tuesday!

Happy 2013!  After a lovely break for the holidays, oh, and a nice bout of Bronchitis…it is time to get everything started up again!

For those just joining us, Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme run by The Broke and the Bookish for all of us literary bloggers to participate in! They provide us with a different topic each week and all participants respond on their blogs and then add a link to their post on the Broke and Bookish blogroll!

This week’s topic is:

Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013

I will admit that some of these goals are somewhat unrealistic, but still: I want them to happen! 

1. To not cry at the end of the Infernal Devices trilogy upon the release of Clockwork Princess in March 2013!

2. Read at least ONE Harry Potter book.

3. Finish rough draft of currently unnamed novel.

4. Read and Review 100 books!

5. Convince Josephine Angelini to write more about Helen and Lucas

6. Try to be patient while awaiting the release of the 3rd Divergent book (not likely!)

7. See the movie adaptations of: Beautiful Creatures (February 13, 2013), City of Bones (August 23, 2013), Catching Fire (November 23, 2013), The Great Gatsby (May 10, 2013), Ender’s Game (November 1, 2013), Warm Bodies (February 1, 2013).

8. ….Does Oz the Great and Powerful count? I’m counting it: (March 8, 2013).

9. Keep my newest blog assistant, Missy, around! She will be forced to see most of those movies with me 🙂

10. Get over 500 followers and host a GIANT giveaway!

What are some of your 2013 bookish goals?!