Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and the Bookish host a meme for literary folks. They provide us with a topic, and we each post our answers!

This week’s topic is:

Top Ten Settings I’d Like to See More Of (or At All)
1. North Carolina (by someone OTHER THAN Nicholas Sparks)
2. Charleston, South Carolina (So full of history!)
3. Savannah, Georgia (Again, this city is a goldmine of ghost stories)
4. New York City, New York (I cannot get enough of this location)
5. London, England (Any time period, because as with NYC…I love London)
6. Insane Asylums (A wealth of historical information is out there, OR use one as the setting for a haunting)
7. Churches (I feel that there is a large number of things that could happen in a church that would contribute to a great story)
8. Greece (Yep.)
9. The Netherlands (I mean, I feel like I’ve read no books about them. I mean, the red light district, and legal weed? Cmon!)
10. Southern Plantations (Not just the girls get gussied up and go make friends, but the down and dirty information about Planations–Speaking of, that house to the left is a North Carolina Plantation house in Windsor!)
What are some locations you would like more of in novels?