Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted for us book blogger types by the Broke and the Bookish. They provide a topic, and all of us participants post our answers on our blogs and we hop around checking out one another’s answers! This week’s topic is

Top Ten Things that make your life as a reviewer/blogger easier

1. Followers: Without you all, I wouldn’t have an audience to review for!  Plus, I love all of your comments and participation! 

2. Contributors: Missy, my partner in crime, is amazing and I couldn’t do this without all of her help! 

3. Publicists: You know who you are.  You do your best to make sure that reviewers have some of the best tools at their disposal and provide us with your help and support!

4. Blog Tours: Thank you to all tour organizers, especially GCR Book Tours and Book Nerd Tours for all that you do!

5. Authors: Thank you for inspiring me to become a book blogger. 

6. Netgalley: A great way to receive advanced reader copies and help authors promote their books! 

7. Edelweiss: Very similar to Netgalley, and is a great way to network with publishing houses. 

8. Twitter: An easy way to get the word out to followers and potential followers. I love you all. 

9. Fellow Bloggers: You all ROCK, and I love your blogs. 

10. Blogger: I can’t leave out my hosting site!  Blogger is helpful and has been extremely easy to use. 

What are some things that make YOUR blogging life easy (book blogger, fashion blogger, etc?)