Book Review: Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan

Stephen has been invisible for practically his whole life — because of a curse his grandfather, a powerful cursecaster, bestowed on Stephen’s mother before Stephen was born. So when Elizabeth moves to Stephen’s NYC apartment building from Minnesota, no one is more surprised than he is that she can see him. A budding romance ensues, and when Stephen confides in Elizabeth about his predicament, the two of them decide to dive headfirst into the secret world of cursecasters and spellseekers to figure out a way to break the curse. But things don’t go as planned, especially when Stephen’s grandfather arrives in town, taking his anger out on everyone he sees. In the end, Elizabeth and Stephen must decide how big of a sacrifice they’re willing to make for Stephen to become visible — because the answer could mean the difference between life and death. At least for Elizabeth.

There was something about this book that I liked. I’m not sure if it was because it was an easy read and easy topic or if the book was written well or what. Nothing stands out to me as good or bad about this book. The plot was predictable, the characters were okay, the writing was fine. But I liked it. I don’t think it was meant to be a life altering, mind altering book. It was about a boy that is invisible, and that’s okay sometimes. 

I guess now that I analyze it, I have some issues with the book. The characters seemed to be very independent for teenagers. I, for one, was not capable of taking care of myself at sixteen. I found Stephen to be older than his years, but if no one could see me I might be too. Elizabeth was your typical “I have to save the world female”, blah. I loved Laurie. I would have liked the book so much more if Laurie was the main character and fell in love with Stephen. He was quirky, fun, smart, and optimistic. His story was better than Elizabeth’s too. 

As for the plot, well, it was predictable. When you meet Elizabeth you just know, “oh she is going to try to fix everything, and sacrifice herself for a boy.”  I hate that mentality, but I digress. Each “twist” was guessable. I thought the idea of the spellseaker, spellcaster, and cursecaster lacked imagination and showed a bit of laziness. These are ideas we have already heard about, nothing new. 

And that you left it at that is a little lazy. What you couldn’t think of other supernatural occurrences that could be real in this world? I have not read any other books by the authors and would pick up another book but only if I didn’t have anything else to read. Like I said, I liked it because there wasn’t much to it. Sometimes it’s nice to read a book like that. 

2.5 Bards

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