Happy Release Day!

Happy Release Day to Karen Amanda Hooper and her new novel Dangerous Depths, one of the sweetest and most talented independent authors out there! 

Hell hath no fury like a selkie separated from his true love. 

The gate to the sea creature realm is finally open. Rownan assumes the worst is behind him when he returns home after years of waiting to be reunited with his wife, Vienna. Only to find out that Vienna didn’t wait for him. She traveled to the evil realm of Harte years ago, hoping the legend of another gateway to Earth’s realm was real, but she was never heard from again. Rownan claimed he’d go through hell to be with Vienna, and now he must prove it. 

Yara wanted to bask in the glow of her happily ever after in the magical realm of Rathe. She planned to explore Medusa and Poseidon’s world and dive deeper into her relationship with Treygan, but as the new leader of Rathe, her powers are needed to save more than one member of her own kind. Treygan vowed to always be Yara’s guardian, but long ago he also swore to go any lengths to protect his brother Rownan. Now, he must fulfill his promise to both of them. 

Rownan, Yara, and Treygan are about to put their lives and souls at risk by traveling to the most dangerous realm of the worlds. Love should conquer all, but no one has ever conquered Harte.

Song list in chronological order of when they take place in the story.

WARNING: Some vague spoilers!

1.) Waves of You– Eric Turner (Rownan to Vienna beginning of book)
2.) Sail– AWOLNation  (drunk Rownan in his dark place on the beach)
3.) Drifting– Plumb feat. Dan Haseltine (Yara & Nixie to Rownan–another way)
4.) If I Lose Myself– One Republic (Treygan to Yara the morning of their trip)
5.) The Sea– Morcheeba (Traveling and arriving)
6.) Storm– Lifehouse (Rownan to Vienna when he’s alone in Harte)
7.) I Want You Here– Plumb (Vienna on her beach with the driftwood)
8.) Waves– Blondefire  (Yara and/or Vienna)
9.) Little Talks– Of Monsters and Men (Yara & Treygan in the last half of the book)
10.) Together Again– Evanescence (Yara when she becomes separated from Treygan)
11.) Hazy– Rosi Golan feat. William Fitzsimmons (Vienna & Rownan duet)
12.) Down– Jason Walker feat. Molly Reed  (This one tugs ta my heartstrings. I picture each character: Rownan, Yara, Treygan, and Nixie, on their own singing this song. It flashes between each of them during seemingly hopeless times during their fight to get out.)
13.) My Last Breath– Evanescence (Nixie & Yara)

*BONUS SONG: Hero– David Crosby & Phil Collins (This was a song from my TANGLED TIDES playlist. It’s an oldie, but it was so perfect as a song that Rownan would sing about Treygan. Right down to the “when the hero kills the maiden with his kiss” line. This song still gives me goose bumps when I listen to it.)

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