Fangirl Fridays

Some of you are thinking to yourself right now, “I wonder what Missy and Jessica are Fan-girling out to this week.” 

Oh you’re not? Well, you are now. 

So we will tell you! You’re welcome. 

Check out our conversation below!

Or in this case we are tired and not really Fan Girling out about anything in particular this week so here is our attempt to do it… 

Missy: Catching Fire 

Missy: The woman that is playing Mags is perfect 

Jessica: yeah she’s adorable, I’m glad they cast Natalie Dormer she’s brilliant 

Missy: I love her in GoT 

Jessica: she’s great as Anne Boleyn in the Tudors 

Missy: not sure I like the casting of Julianne Moore 

Jessica: yeah me either, I think she looks too nice 

Missy: yeah she doesn’t fit with the franchise either 

Jessica: I always pictured Coin as dark 

Missy: I want her to be more gritty 

Jessica: me too! She’s basically just like President Snow 

Missy: yeah, I do like Phillip Seymour Hoffman because he can be equally creepy and heroic ya know 

Missy: and I love, love, love, Lenny Kravitz as Cinna he is perfect 

Jessica: hahaha his casting is old news 

Missy: well yeah but I am still applauding it, I mean he did great 

Jessica: indeed Missy: are you going to see the midnight premiere? 

Jessica: hell yeah I want to 

Missy: me too 

Missy: I still don’t like Liam Hemsworth. 

Jessica: well, for me it isn’t liking him so much as I don’t like the character he plays 

Missy: yeah, I don’t like either 

Missy: I guess he could be left out of both the movies and books and to me it would affect the story that much 

Jessica: well, if it wasn’t for him and his plan….prim wouldn’t have died 

Missy: asshat 

Jessica: and he went on the expedition to rescue Peeta 

Missy: yeah 

Missy: do you think people will dress up for the premiere 

Jessica: oh yeah people will def cosplay for the premiere 

Missy: is that the official term now? 

Missy: cosplay 

Jessica: yes, ma’am 

Missy: hum 

Jessica: stands for costume play 

Missy: are you going to cosplay for the premiere 

Jessica: no, cosplay is expensive!!!

We are weirdos. What are you fangirling over this week?!

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