Cover Reveal!

Finally, the sequel to Karen Amanda Hooper’s amazing novel, Tangled Tides, is close to being released! Haven’t read TT yet?  Well, maybe checking out my 5 Bard review will help motivate you to pick up a copy to prepare for Dangerous Depths!

Release Date: November 20, 2013 (Earlier than originally announced!) 

Publisher: Starry Sky Publishing 
Cover Designer: Melissa Williams

So gorgeous!!

Hell hath no fury like a selkie separated from his true love. 

The gate to the sea creature realm is finally open. Rownan assumes the worst is behind him when he returns home after years of waiting to be reunited with his wife, Vienna. Only to find out that Vienna didn’t wait for him. She traveled to the evil realm of Harte years ago, hoping the legend of another gateway to Earth’s realm was real, but she was never heard from again. Rownan claimed he’d go through hell to be with Vienna, and now he must prove it. 

Yara wanted to bask in the glow of her happily ever after in the magical realm of Rathe. She planned to explore Medusa and Poseidon’s world and dive deeper into her relationship with Treygan, but as the new leader of Rathe, her powers are needed to save more than one member of her own kind. Treygan vowed to always be Yara’s guardian, but long ago he also swore to go any lengths to protect his brother Rownan. Now, he must fulfill his promise to both of them. 

Rownan, Yara, and Treygan are about to put their lives and souls at risk by traveling to the most dangerous realm of the worlds. Love should conquer all, but no one has ever conquered Harte.

RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY: One winner will receive a signed paperback of Tangled Tides (1st edition, Rhemalda Publishing version) and an ebook of Dangerous Depths on its release day. Open internationally! Contest ends Monday, September 23, 2013.

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