Guest Post by Fiauna Lund

Seventeen-year-old Brit Kavanagh is hiding something: Just before her mother disappeared, she gave Brit faery wings … sewn into her skin.

When her father’s death forces Brit to leave the only home she’s ever known, danger follows her like a shadow. Catastrophe strikes again and again, and at every turn, she is confronted by the terrifying apparition of an otherworldly banshee. 

Desperate to unravel the mysteries behind her wings and the curse of the banshee, Brit turns to Gentry O’Neill, a handsome stranger who knows more than he’s telling. With Gentry’s help, Brit pieces together her mother’s troubled past and discovers the horrifying truth of her own existence. 

Her mother gave her wings, but she never meant for Brit to fly.

I loved the idea of writing a guest post from the prospective of one of my characters. Then I thought, what if we took that a step further? How about an interview with one of my characters? Maybe I’ll learn something even I don’t know about the characters in Indigo when I interview the ever-fashionable Bailey Morgan, Brit Kavanagh’s acquaintance-turned-bff. 

Fiauna Lund: Bailey, you live in Tigard, Oregon. Have you always lived in Tigard? How do you like your community? 

Bailey Morgan: Tigard is great! I’ve lived her practically all of my life. I was born in Beaverton, but that’s pretty much the same thing, right? I like it here. We’re so close the city. The shopping is good. Oh, and there are so many cute guys here! 

FL: You mention boys. That leads me to ask about your romantic life. How are things with Kevin these days? 

BM: Kevin can be such a bonehead. It’s been on-again off-again with us for, like, ever. Things were going really good until Brit moved in. And then he went all crazy. 

FL: Crazy? 

 BM: He’s always trying to get her attention and junk. It drives me nuts. 

FL: Is it working? Is Brit interested in Kevin? 

BM: I don’t think so. I have a feeling she has a thing for Gentry O’Neill. But then again, who doesn’t? 

FL: I’m intrigued. Tell me more. 

BM: What can I say about Gentry O’Neill beyond the obvious: he’s hot, he’s rich, and he’s hot. He’s got the whole mysterious stranger thing down. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of Brit. You should see how Gentry looks at her. He can’t take his eyes off of her. The thing is, she doesn’t seem to notice. I mean, the girl turns heads; there’s just something about her. She doesn’t get it. She has no idea how stunning she is. 

FL: You were involved in some rather scary incidences lately. There was a train wreck and then, not too long after that, you were almost killed in a house fire. Let me ask you, how are you doing? 

BM: I’m doing better, thanks. But, man, that was scary. Both times I thought I was going to die. 

FL: What do you remember from those nights? 

BM: I don’t remember much about the train accident. One minute we were pulling away from the station. The next minute we’re all flying through the air and landing on top of each other like a tossed salad. It was crazy. Kevin, Brit, and I were all okay, but it’ll be a while before I get back on one of those commuter trains. You know what I mean? 

FL: Ah, yes. I can imagine. And what about the fire? 

BM: I don’t mean to get all weird or anything, but I’d rather not talk about that night. I really thought I was dead. It was too much—just too much. 

FL: That’s fine, Bailey. We’re all just glad that you are okay. Thank you. 

BM: Thanks.

A huge thank you to Fiauna Lund and Bailey Morgan!  Be sure to check out Lund’s website: and pick up a copy of Indigo!

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