BEA Recap

This year was my first experience at BEA and I can honestly tell you that I’m super excited to attend every year from now on.  I couldn’t possibly recap EVERYTHING that happened when I was there, but here is a list of ten things that I really enjoyed 🙂 Did I meet you at BEA? Be sure to leave me a comment with your blog link and an email and we can keep in touch! 

1. Bloggers Conference
I learned a lot of really cool things on Wednesday at the Bloggers Conference, and I plan on incorporating some new ideas soon! 

2. Children’s Author Breakfast 
I got to be in the same room as these four amazing people!  Plus, who knew that Rick Riordan was so hysterical? Hoes of Hades? I’d read it.

3. Grumpy Cat
She is just adorable. Sad they wouldn’t let us pet her, but totally understandable. She was just so grumpy to be there. 

4. YA Book Buzz
Rainbow Rowell, Sara Farizan, Cristin Terrell, Anna Jarzab, and Amy Rose Capetta got me all excited about their books.  I managed to get ahold of an ARC of each, thank goodness!  You do NOT want to miss these books…

5. Julie Kagawa
I saw her after the first day of the expo on Thursday when she was trying to get a drink.  I kind of yelled bc I wanted a picture with her 🙂 

6. James Dashner is a “Southern Girl”
Mr. Dashner just happened to notice that I’m from NC when he was signing my copy of The Eye of Minds, and said “Oh, you are from the south!” So of course I said, “Yep, I’m a southern girl.” Mr. Dashner then said, “Me too! I’m from Georgia!” hehehe. Then he tried to take it back, but now I know….James Dashner is a southern girl.

7. Diana Peterfreund
Not only was I able to meet the lovely Diana on Thursday for her signing of Across a Star Swept Sea, but I caught her waiting in line for a signing at Random House and managed to get a picture!

8. Veronica Roth
Veronica is a sweetheart.  While I’m SUPER jealous that she is two years younger than myself and already super successful, she is so down to Earth.  She even signed an extra poster for my best friend who is moving to Chicago, all while telling me that I better visit Chicago because its the best city in the country. 

9. Meeting all my fellow bloggers!
I can’t even begin to list all of the amazing bloggers that I met and hung out with at BEA.  Thank you for being part of the greatest online community and keeping me company in line! Can’t wait to see you all next year. 

10. Authors telling me they read this blog! 
This was arguably my favorite part of the whole experience.  I had not realized how many authors follow my blog and check it out.  Thank you so much for your support! 

Will I go to BEA again? Yes.

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