Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted for us book blogger types by the Broke and the Bookish.  They provide a topic, and all of us participants post our answers on our blogs and we hop around checking out one another’s answers! This week’s topic is: 

Top Ten Books Dealing With Tough Subjects

1. If You Find Me – Emily Murdoch
Subject: Abandonment, Sexual Abuse, 6 Stages of Grief, Adaptation

2. Wintergirls – Laurie Halse Anderson
Subject: Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Death

3. Speak – Laurie Halse Anderson
Subject: Rape, Selective Mutism, Mental Abuse

4. The Book Thief – Markus Zusak
Subject: The Holocaust, Death, Racism, Genocide

5. The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky
Subject: Rape, Abortion, Homosexuality, Drugs

6. Life is But a Dream – Brian Jones
Subject: Schizophrenia, Mental Illness, Medication 

7. Beneath a Meth Moon – Jacqueline Woodson
Subject: Addiction

8. The Probability of Miracles – Wendy Wunder
Subject: Cancer, Death, Love

9. The Virgin Suicides – Jeffrey Eugenides
Subject: Suicide, Depression, Isolation, Death

10. Stolen – Lucy Christopher
Subject: Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Isolation

What books do you consider the best at handling tough subjects? 

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday!

  1. Great picks! STOLEN was such an interesting one. Terrifying, but also really fascinating from a psychological perspective, you know?

    Happy TTT!

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