Book Review: Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris

Four months after Ben disappeared through the portal to his home universe, Janelle believes she’ll never see him again. Her world is still devastated, but life is finally starting to resume some kind of normalcy. Until Interverse Agent Taylor Barclay shows up. Somebody from an alternate universe is running a human trafficking ring, kidnapping people and selling them on different Earths—and Ben is the prime suspect. Now his family has been imprisoned and will be executed if Ben doesn’t turn himself over within five days. 

And when Janelle learns that someone she cares about—someone from her own world—has become one of the missing, she knows that she has to help Barclay, regardless of the danger. Now Janelle has five days to track down the real culprit. Five days to locate the missing people before they’re lost forever. Five days to reunite with the boy who stole her heart. But as the clues begin to add up, Janelle realizes that she’s in way over her head—and that she may not have known Ben as well as she thought. Can she uncover the truth before everyone she cares about is killed?

Be sure to check out the review of Unraveling.

picks up where Unraveling leaves off. The world is still a mess, Ben is still gone, and Janelle is Janelle. The tone of this book was different from the last. It was overall depressing. Janelle was so down and out throughout the whole book. And to some extent that is justifiable. The world quite literally fell apart. The “Love of her Life” (as much as a 16 year old can have a love of their life) is gone with no sign of coming back. Her family and friends are dead. It’s a depressing time period. But she keeps harping on it, like throughout the whole book. Lighten up, Aliens exist dude. 

Anyway, Janelle is once again the only person who can save the world. And while I enjoyed the otherworldly concepts in the first book it became a little redundant in this book. I would have liked for the author to delve into the other Earths more. Tell us what they were like. Instead the scenery aspect was just glossed over. Or maybe introduce new characters or ideas into the main plot. I don’t want to make it seem like I didn’t enjoy reading the book, I did. There just was nothing new. I personally would have enjoyed a love story involving Struz. Or Janelle, Barclay, Ben love triangle???? I actually thought that’s what was going to happen at first but the relationship between Janelle and Barclay never developed. 

I liked Cecily, a lot. She was a breath of fresh air, a light in the dark as they say. I also liked how Elijah became more likeable. But those two characters cannot carry a 500 page book. I missed humor. Even with the saddest of books there should be some levity in them. Anyway, I thought the book was ok. Not great, and not as good as the first but not the worst thing I have ever read. 

2.5 Bards.

This review submitted to A Midsummer Night’s Read by Missy

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