Book Review: Fragile Darkness by Ellie James

How do you stop someone you can’t see?

For as long as she can remember, sixteen-year-old psychic Trinity Monsour has seen things before they happen. But now, in the wake of tragedy, her visions have gone dark. She can still feel, though, and the danger she senses swirling around a new friend sends her into the New Orleans party scene, where nothing is as it seems, surprises wait at every turn, and the last guy she wants to see is the one she needs the most: the mercurial Dylan Fourcade, part stranger, part friend, part so much more.

It’s the so much more that confuses her. How can she be drawn to someone she barely knows?

But whether she wants him there or not, he’s by her side, shadowing her every step of the way, until the darkness clears, and a shocking truth emerges—a truth that changes everything.

After the emotional rollar coaster (I can only cringe at that phrase now) of Broken Illusions, I wasn’t expecting James to be able to top such a well constructed and intricate storyline… she proved me wrong. 
Fragile Darkness picks up a few weeks after the tragic end of Broken Illusions and the death of a major character, with Trinity unable to cope with the death of her friend. (I’m trying to keep from saying the characters name so I won’t ruin anything for you if you haven’t read the first two novels yet.) Dylan has been MIA, Aunt Sara has pulled away, and Trinity hasn’t been able to dream. 
I think that this book is arguably my favorite of the series, because it involved much more information about Dylan–who he is, his past with Trinity, and we finally learn some small details about his life.  Although, every time the characters mentioned that the Navajo was strong with him, I kept thinking of Star Wars: “The force is strong with this one.”
I’ve been able to relate to Trinity since the first novel, but she became much more than just a character in this novel, she seemed to become my friend.  I sympathized with her pain and confusion, and wished genuinely for her happiness (Dylan. *swoon*)
I get the feeling that Trinity’s story isn’t over, as James left many loose ends that could lead to a fourth novel (PLEASE? I don’t want to leave Trinity and Dylan behind yet!) and explore the power of the newly introduced character, Will. 
Overall, the Midnight Dragonfly series has become one of my favorites and I will wait eagerly for an announcement that the series will continue past this third installment.
If you haven’t read this series, I recommend you pick it up and start it as soon as possible.  If you have…then get ready for a great read.
4.5 Bards

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Fragile Darkness by Ellie James

  1. Awww, Jessica…thank you! Writing the Midnight Dragonfly books has been an amazing, intense experience. Fragile took Trinity (and me!) to some pretty dark places. I was so glad Dylan stepped up the way he did 🙂 Not sure how I'll ever be able to write another book without him 🙂

    LOL about The Force Is Strong in This One!! I, um…ahem…think maybe my little boy's Star Wars addiction might be subconsciously influencing me!! Thank goodness there are no “Trinity…I am Your Fathers!”

    Oh…one more thing! I'm running lots of contests from my Facebook page (, including a signed bookplate and book charm for all who pre-order Fragile, and a very special contest I haven't announced yet, involving a particular dragonfly necklace….


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