Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and the Bookish hosts a literary meme for book bloggers to share their responses to the weekly topic! This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines
1. Mackayla Lane : If you haven’t read Karen Marie Moning’s FEVER series then you definitely need to check it out so you will understand why Mac is my first choice.
2. Katniss Everdeen : I’m almost positive that most people have either read The Hunger Games trilogy or have at least seen the movie.  I don’t really need to justify this.
3. Tris Prior : Tattoos, Bravery, Intelligence, and she beat up a lot of guys to get to her top spot in her faction. Yes.
4. Alice from Alice in Zombieland : Adored this novel and cannot wait to see Alice kick more zombie ass in the sequel.
5. Tessa Gray : She reads, she morphs, she is amazing.
6. Clary Fray : After five books of the Mortal Instruments, I will be sad to read the final book next year. But there are the movies to look forward to!
7. Tally Youngblood : Ultimate Special.
8. Finley Jayne : In a time of steampunk, clockwork things…she has so much strength and just enough femininity.
9. Karou : Blue hair, supernatural abilities, and artistic ability.
10. Kelsey Hayes : Not your stereotypical heroine, but a girl who stepped up and became a warrior.
Who are some of your favorite kick-ass heroines?

5 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday!

  1. ooh i still really need to read alice in zombieland. the cover is awesome and alice sounds badass. i actually haven't read a lot of books on your list yet (besides hg of course). i will have to move some of them up on my list. thanks for sharing!

    ttt @ nite lite

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