Author Spotlight: C.C. Hunter

When St.Martin’s sent me the advanced reader copy for C.C. Hunter’s Whispers at Moonrise, I almost squealed with delight. Then, to even get the opportunity to ask C.C. some questins about the series? Yes, please.  

MSNR: Christie, thank you so much for agreeing to do an interview with A Midsummer Night’s Read! I loved Whispers at Moonrise and will be crossing my fingers that I get an ARC of the final book, Chosen at Nightfall. My first question is how you came up with the idea for the Shadow Falls series? It is inherently different than a lot of other YA Paranormal series on the market.

C.C.: First I’d like to say thank you for having me Jessica! I love bloggers. I think they have a special place in Publishing Heaven. And yes, I think that it exists. It’s where you have all the time in the world to read each and every book you want.

Now for your question: The idea of the paranormal summer camp actually came from my editor Rose Hilliard at St. Martin’s Press/Griffin. And that’s all she said to me, too—”paranormal camp.” She expected me to come up with the rest. But you know what? Those two words were enough to get my imagination going. Once I got Kylie figured out, the rest of the characters sprang to life, and each of them brought a piece of the plotline with them. Now, I’ll be honest. When I started Born at Midnight, the first book in the Shadow Falls series, I had no idea how the story would end. And now that I’m writing the final book, Chosen at Nightfall, I’m still figuring things out. But that’s okay. That’s how my writing process works—I learn the specifics of the book as I write it. And I gotta be honest, I think that’s why I love writing so much—I love finding out how the story ends, right along with my characters. As for what makes Shadow Falls different? I might have to point to my little flaw/gift. You see, down deep inside, I’m a nonconformist. It was probably the reason it took me so long to sell my second book in 2006, which was a humorous romantic suspense novel. I had decided to write the way I wanted to write—which meant breaking a few of the general rules for writing romance novels. For my Christie Craig books I was writing a romantic suspense, but it was also a mystery, and a romantic comedy—sort of a blend of genres. I wanted my readers to both laugh and cry in my books. I decided I wanted to tell the story of more than just the hero and heroine. So not only did I include lots of characters, but every character I wrote had their own story going on. And when I was asked to write a YA series, I believe my editor knew I would bring the same techniques to my young adult series. So, in the Shadow Falls series I include both humor and heart. I write a blend of paranormals elements along with a touch of a ghost story. I write action, romance, and I include topics about family and friendships, and you’ll also find a mystery in every book. I’m not the only one who adds these elements. However, I think my blending of genres, adding the vast emotional landscape, as well as introducing a wide cast of characters is a part what makes my series a little different.

MSNR: When it comes down to Kylie learning exactly what she is, you did an excellent job building suspense and tension. What do readers have to look forward to in Whispers at Moonrise and Chosen at Nightfall with her development?
C.C.: Thanks. I love teasing my readers. It’s so much fun. LOL. And for your question, I’m not going to spoil it for you. 😉 But I will say in Whispers at Moonrise, Kylie is stumbling across powers that scare the bejeebies out of her. And in Chosen at Nightfall, she discovers even more. She also learns how to control all those powers to protect those she loves. In Chosen at Nightfall Kylie’s journey is finally complete. It’s both sad and thrilling at the same time.
MSNR: You sure you won’t consider expanding the series? I just don’t want it to end yet!
C.C.: I have learned the hard way to never, ever, say, “NEVER.” And again, I can’t tell you how hard it is to write this final book. It reminds me of when I moved away from my childhood home and knew I was going to miss all my hometown buddies. And while I’d love to return to Shadow Falls somewhere down the line, what I can tell you is that I have already sold my next series and it’s not about Kylie or anyone at Shadow Falls. However, I think my readers will find all the things they love about Shadow Falls in the new series: a unique paranormal world, characters you can easily fall in love with, a book about friendships and family, hot guys, lots of emotion, and tons of laughter. I’m going to have a blast writing it.
MSNR: I can’t let you get away without asking for some information about Lucas and Derek. Both boys have such interesting qualities that could benefit Kylie in the long run, will we finally get our answer in the final installment?
C.C.: Yes, readers will get the answer. I’m still writing it right now. And would you believe me if I told you Kylie and I are still wavering on who it will be? I really did myself and Kylie an injustice by creating two great heroes. This was my first real love triangle to write and no one told me that one of the guys really had to outshine the other. So now I have two wonderful guys and Kylie and I are going to have to break someone’s heart. And that breaks mine just a little bit.
MSNR: Which character in the series do you relate to most? Della is one of my personal favorites.
C.C.: Oh, this is a tough question. Each of the characters in Shadow Falls has a little bit of me inside them, which makes them so relatable to me. Della is my rebellious side and don’t we all have one of those? However, Miranda is dyslexic, which means she gets her spells wrong sometimes. And I relate to her because I’m dyslexic, too. But of all the characters, I think I relate to Kylie the most. I based a lot of her back story on things that happened to me when I was a teenager. I had a family member die when I was around her age, and my parents got a divorce, too. That was so hard for me. Plus, I had girl friends making some bad decisions where boys were concerned, just like Kylie’s friend Sara did. I used all of the emotions I felt, all of the insecurities and uncertainties I experienced as a teenager when I molded Kylie’s character, and I think it helped bring her to life. I guess you could say I plagiarized my life to create Kylie. However, Kylie is a lot cooler than I ever was. Thank you again for the interview. I hope everyone enjoys Whispers at Moonrise. And I love hearing from readers. Maybe your readers could tell me in the comment section which of my characters they relate to the most. 

Did you hear that readers? Let’s give C.C. an idea of which Shadow Falls character you relate to most!
Check back on Monday for a Whispers at Moonrise newsletter from C.C. Hunter!
Special thanks to C.C. and St. Martins/Griffin!

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