Top Ten Tuesday!

Every week The Broke and The Bookish hosts a meme for book bloggers to post about a specific topic chosen by the moderators.  This week’s topic is: 

Top Ten Bookish People I Want To Meet 
(Authors, Bloggers….etc)


Veronica Roth
-Author of the Divergent Trilogy
-Why? Because I really wanted to use the Divergent books in my Dystopian Master’s Thesis, but since the trilogy wasn’t finished yet I couldn’t.  I would love to pursue that essay and talk to Roth about the different influences on the text. 

Markus Zusak
-Author of The Book Thief
-Why? The Book Thief is a beautiful novel, and I would love to pick his brain about the different themes and the authorial decision to use Death as the narrator. 

Suzanne Collins
-Author of The Hunger Games trilogy
-Why? Speaking of that Dystopian Thesis, my main chapter was on Marxism and The Hunger Games trilogy, so I would love to have an interview to add to my 25 page chapter. Plus, she is brilliant. 

Scott Westerfeld
-Author of the Uglies series
-Why?  Remember that pesky thesis I keep mentioning? Yeah the second chapter was on the first three books in the Uglies series, and again, an interview with Westerfeld would just make the chapter THAT much stronger. 

James Dashner
-Author of The Maze Runner trilogy and Prequel
-Why? I wanted to use this dystopian series in my thesis as well and I never got to since the series wasn’t complete.  Now that it is, I want to pick his brain too! So many novels I want to write academic critical essays on…

Jackson Pearce
-Author of the Fairy Tale Retellings series
-Why? Not only does she seem like a cool person, but I’d love to discuss other possible fairy tales for her to adapt for her series. 

Josephine Angelini
-Author of the Starcrossed series
-Why? I want to discuss the importance of Greek Mythology on modern literature, and of course, Lucas and Helen. 

Melina Marchetta
-Author of the Lumatere Chronicles
-Why? Just so I can say I met her. Her novels are exquisitely written and well plotted. I envy her immense talent!

Charlaine Harris
-Author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels
-Why? I want to convince her of why Sookie and Eric need to be together forever.  Oh, and to ask her if I can get Alexander Skarsgard’s phone number….

Kenneth Oppel
-Author of the Victor Frankenstein diaries
-Why? Just to discuss Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, and Victorian era literature and culture! 

I went with all authors, who are some of the people on your list? 

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