Waiting On Wednesday

Every week over at Breaking the Spine hosts a book meme where all of us book bloggers can get together and share the books we are desperately waiting to be released!

This week I am waiting on Middle Ground by Kate Kacvinsky!

Release Date: November 20, 2012

In the sequel to Awaken, seventeen-year-old Maddie is in LA, is trying to stay out of trouble. But she can’t quell the fire that rages within her against the digital life, and one night, a seemingly small act of rebellion lands Maddie in the place she fears the most: a detention center. Here, under the guise of rehabilitation, patients are reprogramed to accept the digital life. When Maddie discovers what goes on here, her fight shifts. She’s no longer just fighting against the digital life. She’s fighting for her mind, her soul, and her life. Once again, Katie Kacvinsky paints a disturbing picture of what the future holds if we’re not careful.

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