Feature and Follow Friday!

Every week Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme to help bring together book bloggers, and feature a different blogger!  Each featured blogger submits a question for all of the participating blogs to answer, and this week’s question is:

Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?
Answer:  YES!  Before Leigh Fallon’s novel, Carrier of the Mark, came out, negative reviews had been popping up on Goodreads.  Reviewers were comparing the story to Twilight and what not, claiming that Fallon’s novel wasn’t original and was poorly written.  Eventually, I ended up recieving an ARC from Fallon after I had already purchased a copy of the book.  Anyway, instead of reading the novel through the lens of comparison, I reviewed the novel and praised its attributes because I enjoyed it!  (Review HERE).
What book did you buy because of a bad review?
WAIT! While you are here… enter my 100 Follower Giveaway!

4 thoughts on “Feature and Follow Friday!

  1. I plan to read this one, too, one day, but I think she was the author who also insulted another blogger I know, so there comes lots of baggages with this book. Either way I always want to judge books for myself. 🙂

    Patricia // My FF

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