100 Follower Giveaway!

Welcome to A Midsummer Night’s Read!

If you are already a follower, Thank you! If you are a new vistor, Thank you for stopping in…give us a follow!

In order to thank all of our current 100 Followers (Ah!), we are holding a contest of a box of Books! The prizes are listed on the Rafflecopter below, INCLUDING one surprise gift!

We wish you the best of luck!

The Giveaway will last until Friday, April 13 (So unlucky, we know).

Good Luck and Thank You Again!
/*{literal}{/literal}*/ a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is only open to US residents (and Canada)

7 thoughts on “100 Follower Giveaway!

  1. Congrats on the 100 follower milestone! That's awesome! And thanks for the giveaway. I like hardbacks because they are sturdy and last longer with kids! 🙂

  2. I much prefer hardcover books! I hate when if you open a papercover more than a few inches, the cover stays bent back. You know what I mean? But my worst pet peeve is when I start a new series, and buy the first in papercover, but the others aren't out in papercover yet so I have a mismatched set. It's a little OCD, but I can't stand it! lol

  3. I totally understand! When I first read Karen Marie Moning's Fever series…all but SHADOWFEVER were out in paperback….so naturally I had them in paperback. After SHADOWFEVER was released…I went on ebay and found first edition hardbacks of each so my collection could match 🙂 Thanks for entering!

  4. It really depends…I'm usually a fan of Hardbacks, but then the publishers change the cover for the paperbacks. I like mine to match, so whichever one they chose to match, is the one I'll buy.

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