Feature and Follow Friday!

Each week, the wonderful and beautiful Parajunkee and Alison Can Read host a meme for book bloggers to help us connect with one another and accrue followers! Both host blogs feature a book blog and has a question for all of us to answer.

This week, the question is:

What is the longest book you’ve read? What are some of your favorite 600+ page reads?

I honestly don’t think I’ve ready many books that are 600+ pages, and if I have then I am drawing a complete blank. I have read Duma Key by Stephen King, but it clocks in at just 609 pages. I have read a complete works of Langston Hughes which is well over 600+ pages, but it is a collection and not just one novel. Sadly, I have not read the final Harry Potter books, which are above 600 pages as well.

I feel like I need to expand my heavy reads…what are some of your favorite 600+ reads that you can recommend?

4 thoughts on “Feature and Follow Friday!

  1. Try The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It's a long one, but the characters are fabulous and the story is amazing. It's all about the women who were in power behind King Arthur's throne, but never got much credit for it.

    My FF.

  2. If you consider the fact that the version of The Lord of The Rings I read was the one that’s one book with the 3 parts inside (1202 pages in the brazilian version), that would be the longest book I’ve ever read. But if you consider series to favorite 600+ page reads, hands down, Harry Potter. Not so much for the story, but for the feeling it brings me every time I think about it.

    I'm a new follower, btw!

    Murphy's Library

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