Book Review: Frost by Marianna Baer

Leena Thomas’s senior year at boarding school starts with a cruel shock: Frost House, the cozy Victorian dorm where she and her best friends live, has been assigned an unexpected roommate—eccentric Celeste Lazar.

As classes get under way, strange happenings begin to bedevil Frost House: frames falling off walls, doors locking themselves, furniture toppling over. Celeste blames the housemates, convinced they want to scare her into leaving. And although Leena strives to be the peacekeeper, soon the eerie happenings in the dorm, an intense romance between Leena and Celeste’s brother, David, and the reawakening of childhood fears all push Leena to take increasingly desperate measures to feel safe. But does the threat lie with her new roommate, within Leena’s own mind…or in Frost House itself?

I’m not sure where things went wrong for this novel.  Mostly because the characters were engaging, and I was interested to figure out why the main character was so attracted to the Frost House.

However, once I was reading it–things didn’t seem to match up.

For example, I’m not sure how the ending has ANYTHING to do with the mystery throughout the rest of the novel.  It seemed so anticlimactic after all of the build up.  In addition, the love story ended somewhat lackluster-ly and the main character’s severed friendships never truely were healed.

I suppose I wanted more wrap up than there really was–it felt like the author was trying to meet her deadline and hurried the ending. 

Like I said, I’m not sure where this novel went wrong, because the idea is great…but it just didn’t come to fruition. 

If you are going to use a somewhat “haunted” house, give us more than you did.  It mostly seemed like a bunch of unfortunate happenings surrounded by a chemical leak. There was never a real explanation for what was happening, and why it affected Leena the way it did.

This is such a short review, because I just don’t know how to express my disappointment with the execution of this novel.  I am giving Frost 2 Bards because it was okay, but it could have been better.

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