Waiting on Wednesday

Jill over at Breaking the Spine hosts a weekly bookish meme for all of us fabulous book bloggers to participate in…to name a book that we are eagerly waiting to be released!

My pick: Rebel Heart (Dust Lands #2) by Moira Young.

The Tonton have been defeated. Lugh has been rescued.
The heartstone has brought Saba and Jack together.
Now, Saba and her family head west to meet him and start a new life. All should be well.
But shadows of the dead are stalking Saba.
And another kind of shadow is creeping over the dustlands.
Then a messenger shows up.
With news of Jack.

I absolutely ADORED Blood Red Road (Dust Lands #1), you can see my review HERE, so I cannot wait until the release of Rebel Heart!

What are you waiting for?

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