Author Spotlight: Andrea DiGiglio

Andrea DiGiglio, the author of the paranormal young adult book, Finding Alice, has the honor of being our third featured author here on A Midsummer Night’s Read!  You can find our review of Finding Alice here and you can visit DiGiglio’s website here.

Cursed with an intense version of empathy Alice runs from a wasted life to start a new one somewhere no one will know her; Hell, Michigan. Alice works at a hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of nowhere mostly keeping to herself to avoid the overwhelming emotions of those around her. Alice allows her best friend to convince her into taking a few college classes without realizing it would drastically change her life forever. From her first day of class she was hooked on him; his scent, his eyes, the way he talked to her inside her head.

Throughout her struggles she learns about true love, true pain and the truth of her own heritage. Alice must quickly find out who she is because after all everyone else is out to find her. With Angels and Bounty Hunter’s in constant pursuit she finds protection within a group of Fallen Angels. These Fallen Angels vow to do anything to protect her; for it is their belief she will save their kind and all of mankind.

A Midsummer Night’s Read (MSNR): Hello, Andrea! Thank you so much for providing me with a review copy of Finding Alice and taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions for your readers.  I really enjoyed reading your debut novel and am excited to pick your brain!
Andrea DiGiglio (AD):  No thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed my debut novel.
MSNR: I noticed in your author biography that you have written several screenplays.  What made you turn to writing novels?
AD: When I was little and all through grade school really I was always writing stories.  Around sixteen I found my love for acting and naturally paired the two loves into screenplay writing. When my son was born I wanted to devote as much time with him as I could. I would go stir crazy without some form of creative outlet, coffee in hand I just started writing and after a few ideas that I didn’t feel were much of anything Alice’s world came about.
MSNR:  I am a huge Alice in Wonderland nut, so I adore the name of your main character.  How did you go about choosing Alice for her?
AD:  It is one of those names that I have always loved. When I changed her name I knew it had to be Alice. Everything about her personality I feel is a reflection of the name.
MSNR: Do you identify with Alice as a character? What about Cole?
AD:  Yes I do indentify with her. I wanted her to be the kind of girl who is strong, independent and unique. Traits I’d like to believe she and I share. As for Cole, no comment. J
MSNR: Did you ever take a Religion course like Alice and Cole? Did you do a lot of research into the Book of Enoch and the Old Testament?
AD: I have not taken a religion course like the course they took solely because it isn’t available, but I would. Yes! I seriously felt as if I was researching for years. I have a hardcover copy of The Book of Enoch filled with notes and highlighters. I also studied the Old Testament (but I didn’t mark it) mostly for reference from The Book of Enoch.
MSNR:  I noticed in the excerpt from Alice’s Sacrifice that her story will no longer be told in First Person Point of View.  What made you change this?
AD: I felt book one was about Alice in every sense that it could be. To me first person seemed natural for her to tell her story. In book two I have decided to alternate POV’s but I assure it is not confusing or annoying. (Don’t you want to know what Cole is thinking in that beautiful head of his?) In book two it is still all about Alice and the other main players from book one. I feel that people are always changing and evolving and the way to share the changes of these characters I felt was best in third person POV.
MSNR: Can you give us any intel on Alice’s Sacrifice? What about Alice and Cole’s relationship? Will we learn more about Alice’s history as a special Nephilim?
AD: We will be learning about everyone’s dirty laundry and yes Alice’s special nephilim abilities.  Alice and Cole’s love will still beat strong. There will be plenty of conflicts, happiness, turmoil, lies and truth alike.  All your favorite personalities come back to shine along with some new Angels, Fallen and more Bounty Hunters.
MSNR: What was your experience with the road to publication? Is there any advice you have for aspiring writers?
AD: Difficult is truly the only way to sum it up. I submitted for months hoping for my big break. I always knew I would self publish if I didn’t get picked up. All I had to do was research and find the best routes. I am still learning and I know things are always changing but at this stage in my career I am working as hard as I can to give the best possible product. Though I would much rather just write and stay out of publication! As for aspiring writers, keep writing. No matter the struggles of publishing always keep writing it’s what you wanted to do in the first place. Write what you want to write and write for yourself. Writing is done? Beta test, search for a writers group and ask writers (not your family or friends) to read your book and give back constructive feedback. Research, regardless if you plan to submit your MS (manuscript) to a Literary Agent, Publisher or self publish. Do your research and find the perfect fit for you.
MSNR: Thank you again, Andrea for taking time to talk to me and our readers! I am looking forward to Alice’s Sacrifice and I wish you luck as you continue to finish working on that and all your other projects!
AD: Thank you so much!

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