Follow Friday!

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It is a way for all of us book bloggers to come together and discover each others’ blogs and make some new friends!

Every week, the featured blogger on Parajunkee and Alison Can Read’s sites pose a question for all of us to answer.

This week’s question: Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?

I tend to read most anything, but I really loathe reading political books. Whether it be a memoir from a current politician or a book on economics in America, I just cannot get through it. Now, I love historical biographies and I don’t really count the biographies of John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, or Andrew Jackson as being political books, I categorize them as historical.

What book genre do you avoid?

While you are here, enter the giveaway to win a copy of Cory Putman Oakes’ The Veil! Enter HERE.

11 thoughts on “Follow Friday!

  1. I agree with you on political books. I have read biographies of John Adams and Lincoln and they were fascinating. The genre that I avoid is horror, I do not enjoy being scared while reading!

    Love your blog! I am a new follower.

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